It’s more than just the Law of Attraction. The 12 universal laws are the foundational laws of our reality that ancient cultures intuitively knew. These laws help teach us how to master our life with love and joy, leading to a solid sense of well-being and success. This guide will go over the 12 laws and how they can bring positive change to your life.

1. Law of Divine Oneness

This is THE foundational law of the universe in which everything is connected. Everything. You, me, the plants, animals, every thought, action, belief, everything. We are all interconnected with each other where we all impact each other in some way or another. This impact can be big or small, it can manifest immediately or years down the line, it can be noticeable or you won’t hear a thing about it.

This law shows that we are all one, so having more empathy and compassion for one another is key. What you do impacts another and vice versa, so it’s important to move with love, even with people you don’t understand.

2. Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration shows us that everything is constantly in motion and everything carries energy, each vibrating at their own specific frequency. This goes for us, the cells in our body, to the cell phone you’re holding or the chair you’re sitting in.

High energy vibrations are naturally attracted to high energy vibrations, and vice versa, so if you’re wanting to keep your vibration high, it’s important to surround yourself with things that elevate your frequency (this is where all the good vibes talk comes from) such as breath-work, yoga, being with loved ones, doing things that make you happy, etc.

3. Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence states that patterns repeat themselves in the universe, whether on a small or grand scale. On a more personal level, it states that our reality is a reflection or mirror of our inner world.

Notice patterns of thinking and actions, and see how they reflect elsewhere in the world. For instance, if you’re constantly thinking and living in fear and doubt, it will reflect in your outer world. When upsetting situations come about, try asking yourself what it can show you about yourself and what needs healing within.

4. Law of Attraction

Like the Law of Vibration, the Law of Attraction is like attracting like. So you get what you focus on, attracting the things that are on the same frequency as you. However, you have to believe what you want is possible to have.

This law shows that being at peace, positive, and proactive will attract things along the same vibration towards you, so by working towards a positive mindset and outlook on life, the Law of Attraction is already in use to create the dream reality you want.

5. Law of Inspired Action

Intertwined with the Law of Attraction, this law states that we need to take inspired steps towards our goals. Having a positive attitude and visualization is the first part of the Law of Attraction, while actively pursuing our goals is the second part. No matter if the step is big or small, it’s important to listen to the nudges inside us that guide us to the steps we need to take to achieve what we want.